Commuter Week Kick-off: Bus trip to NYC!
Join OCSS and (seb) for an adventure packed day in NYC!!
Off Campus
March 3, 2018 (All Day Event)
Join OCSS and (seb) as we kick-off our 2018 Commuter Week: Commuters are ALL THAT! with a bus trip to NYC!
OCSS will be sending 25 lucky 'Gold Card' commuters to NYC for the day! To reserve a free ticket, please RSVP below at 'Get Tickets'
First come, first serve.
Your commuter 'Gold Card' will be required upon ticket pick-up. If you do not own a 'Gold Card' you may purchase one for $5.00 at any Good Morning Commuters breakfast.
**The NYC bus trip will depart UMBC at 7:30am and return to UMBC at midnight. Attendees must be available for the entire day in order to attend.
Date: Saturday, March 3, 2018
Date: Saturday, March 3, 2018
Time: 7:30am (Depart: Commons Drive bus stop)
Midnight (Drop-off: Commons Drive)
Cost: Free! For the first 25!