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Adult Learners - What's Good Wednesday

Let play a game of Pictionary!



Date & Time

September 9, 2020, 12:00 pm1:00 pm


IT'S WEDNESDAY! Let take a break from the hustle and bustle and play a quick game of pictionary and check-in with each other. Grab your lunch, your computer and your thinking cap!

Click Join Event Above to join our video chat where the game link will be shared. You do not have to share your video during this game but we hope you will take the opportunity to chat and check in with each other. 

Please click 'Going' if you plan to attend. 

What's pictionary you ask? .... Well, I am so glad you asked!
Player 1 is given a word and about 30-60 second to draw a picture that represents that word. The other players will try to guess what Player 1 is trying to draw. The quicker you guess the more points you win.