What is Welcome Retrievers?
Welcome Retrievers (formerly Welcome Week) is the time to learn your way around campus, make friends, and learn the lay of the land. The schedule will include programs and events that will help make you feel more comfortable and confident about life here at UMBC. All new students are part of a Woolie Group, which will be led by a returning student specifically trained to support the needs of incoming students as they transition to UMBC.
What’s the difference between Fall and Winter Welcome Retrievers?
Fall Welcome Retrievers takes place in late August and early September and consists of about two weeks of educational, fun, and interactive activities and events all around campus open to all UMBC students. Part of Fall Welcome Retrievers takes place before returning students move back on campus so that new students can move in and get acquainted with campus.
Winter Welcome Retrievers takes place in late January and early February and consists of one week of educational, fun, and interactive activities. All events are open to all UMBC students, but many events are specifically geared toward new transfer and commuter students who enter in the spring semester.
Is Welcome Retrievers mandatory?
For Fall Welcome Retrievers, specific mandatory events will be noted as “IMPORTANT”. Some examples of these events include Academic Toolkits, Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity at UMBC, and Convocation. Attending all Welcome Retrievers events is a great way to meet new and current students at UMBC. Consider looking at the schedule and seeing what events interest you.
If I can’t make a mandatory event, who should I tell?
We understand that you might have other commitments. We hope you can clear your calendar and join us for as much as possible. If you have specific questions about mandatory events, we encourage you to talk with your Woolie(s) or email welcomeweek@umbc.edu.
Can my friends come?
Your new UMBC Friends? Absolutely! Welcome Retrievers is all about building your UMBC network and support system. As much as we want you to continue your current friendships, Welcome Retrievers programs are intended for UMBC students only.
What’s a Woolie?
Woolies are Welcome Retrievers Leaders. They are current students who work to help your transition to UMBC be as smooth as possible and help you make new friends here. Why are they called Woolies? That’s one of the great UMBC mysteries.
How do I communicate with my Woolie Group?
The best way to connect with your Woolie and group members will be via GroupMe. Each new student is assigned to a Woolie Group. You will have either one or two Woolies based on the size of their group. Woolies will begin to reach out to new students, so be on the lookout for an email from them!
The schedule for Welcome Retrievers can be found on this site’s events page. Updates to the schedule are made as needed. The best place to stay up to date on the schedule of events is on myUMBC.
When is Move-In Day?
Visit Residential Life for the most current information for Move-In. For more information about applying for housing or residence life assignments please visit Residential Life or call 410-455-2591. Check back there for other important Residential Life dates and information related to housing.
How can I help promote Welcome Retrievers?
We have a Welcome Retrievers digital toolkit you can download to share on your social media accounts and on digital signage.